How to change the PHP version in cPanel Print

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You can choose which version of PHP is running on your account. By default we run PHP7, which is the latest version, but this may cause problems with some older applications, or certain plugins and themes for applications such as WordPress. To change the version, extensions and PHP options follow the below guide.

Note: This tutorial assumes that you are already logged into cPanel

  1. Click the PHP Selector (under Software)
  2. From the dropdown menu choose any of the available PHP versions, and then press Set as current
  3. If you want to change which extensions are enabled, for example enabling xmlrpc, then tick the extension and click Save
  4. If you want to change any of the PHP Environment settings, then click Switch To PHP Options in the top right, and then click on a value to override the defaults. When finished click Save

That's it - by following the above steps you will change the PHP Version, Extensions and Options running on your account.

If you have any issues or questions please contact DOWO Support at

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