Why has my account been suspended? Print

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If your account has been suspended, it could be for a number of reasons as outlined below:

Non Payment

Although we make every effort to contact you, we do suspend accounts for non payment if we do not hear back from you within a reasonable timescale.

The majority of accounts suspended for non payment can be automatically unsuspended by paying any unpaid invoices on your account. If your account isn't automatically suspended after paying any outstanding invoices, please contact our customer services team to re-enable.

Bandwidth Overuse

You will be emailed when your bandwidth limit reaches 80% of your allocation, and if you choose to ignore these emails and your usage reaches over your limit, then your account will be suspended automatically.

Performance Issues

If your site contains scripting errors that slow down the performance for other users, has a sudden surge or demand that affects performance for other users or any other circumstance where other users notice a reduction in performance, your account will be suspended until we work out a more appropriate hosting platform for your web site. This is to prevent disruption to other users on the server. We will work with you as swiftly as possible to implement a suitable infrastructure for your web site. Please see our Resource Usage Policy, which outlines very specifically what we deem to be unfair usage on a shared or reseller hosting account.

Policy Breach

If your account is in breach of any of our policies, it will be suspended. Normally accounts suspended due to policy breaches are not unsuspended, although there are rare exceptions. If your account has been suspended, please raise a ticket with our support team as soon as possible so that we may work with you to resolve the situation.

If you have any queries please contact our support team at: https://www.dowo.digital/support

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