AutoSSL provider could not renew the SSL Certificate Print

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If you receive the following error: The cPanel AutoSSL provider could not renew the SSL certificate without a reduction of coverage because of the following problems:


To resolve this error do the following:

  1. Log into cPanel (
  2. Go to SSL/TLS Status
  3. Find the subdomain(s) that is failing, and click Exclude from AutoSSL

Auto SSL will now run correctly.


Why does this happen?

By default we issue all domains and sub domains with a SSL Certificate. If there is an issue accessing one of the sub domains (for instance, you've pointed a domain to another server), then AutoSSL cannot do the validation required, and generates this error. Where possible we automatically clean these errors before they happen, but if errors are generated, then please follow the process above, or log a ticket at


AutoSSL vs Comodo

AutoSSL is great, and gives you secure websites without the need to purchase a specific SSL Certificate - here are some pros and cons vs a Premium SSL:


  • They're free - anyone who owns a domain name can get a certificate validated for that domain free of charge.
  • The entire enrolment process for certificates occurs painlessly during the server’s native installation or configuration process, while renewal occurs automatically in the background.
  • The automated issuance and renewal protocol will be an open standard and as much of the software as possible will be open source.
  • Better for SEO - adding SSL to your site will help it rank higher in Google


  • Basic domain validation means it's a low trust certificate - not well suited for e-commerce stores.
  • No dynamic site seal for your web site - lower trust for your visitors compared to a normal SSL certificate.
  • No green address bar as with Premium EV certificates.
  • No monetary warranty for your end users. Normal SSL certificates provide warranties of $10k - $1.25m.
  • Not compatible with some browsers on older operating systems, including Internet Explorer on Windows XP.

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