

studio-obi to DOWO Digital Services Migration


Important Information


This page has been put together by DOWO Digital to provide information on the migration of studio-obi customers to our domain registration, web hosting and web management services.

DOWO Digital are already providing these services to you through studio-obi so there is no change to the services other than who is billing you and where to receive support.

You will have no disruption to your services and everything will continue to function as normal. You will not be charged for this changeover and your existing credit and invoice with studio-obi will be honoured until your renewal date. Renewal pricing will also be matched.

By moving over to DOWO Digital you are accepting our Terms & Conditions found here.

What’s Happening?

As a business Studio OBI is merging with its parent company OBI and as such will no longer be managing domains, hosting websites or carrying out website management. Therefore the management of the above will be transferred to DOWO Digital Ltd who are already the principal hosting and support company that studio-obi use for these services.

If you did not host your website with studio-obi, have a domain registered with them or have a web management package, then there is nothing further that you need to do.


Why do I have to “opt in”?

This process is “opt-in” because there is no other legal mechanism for your business data to be transferred to DOWO Digital and for your contract with us to begin. Simply put, we are unable to import your contact data into our systems without your consent to do so, as this would contravene data privacy laws.

To make this process as straightforward as possible, we have developed a form below to allow you to opt in with a few simple clicks.

Completing this process will automatically establish your account with DOWO Digital and allow for the transfer of your existing hosting and domain information to ensure minimal interruption in web service.


Why DOWO Digital?

  • We are already providing all your services through studio-obi so there is no disruption to your services and everything will continue as normal.
  • DOWO Digital will credit any unused months of hosting service paid for with studio-obi when you sign up with us (i.e. if you had 6 months left with studio-obi that will stand and we will renew at the correct time).
  • DOWO Digital can also provide (if required) other services including Website Support & Management, Digital Marketing, Office 365 Services & Digital Workflow Apps.
  • Customer Information

    We will use this information to set you up as a customer on our portal and to house all of your hosting and account information.
  • Other Services

    DOWO Digital can support your business in much more than just hosting! If you would like to talk about some of our other services then select which below and we'll get in touch!
  • Your Consent