
How to Keep your Website Up-to-date

It might sound pretty straight-forward, but you’d be surprised how many websites that we come across that aren’t up-to-date. This could be essential info, product details, dates for discounts…any number of things could be a bit wonky on your website and it ends up costing you on potential leads and businesses.

Keeping your website up-to-date should be a key part of your content strategy and it’ll help search engines to rank your business competitively too, as well as signalling that you’re ready for business and making it as easy as possible for customers to buy from you.

Essential Info

Has anything changed about your business recently? Address info, opening times, contact details etc, anything that’s absolutely essential for your customers to know about your business and interact with it successfully. You must ensure that across all channels and elements of your website, information is accurate.

If it’s difficult for customers to find the correct information then they’ll just go to another competitor, one where the product might not be as good but information is easier to access. It does a disservice to your business and the products/services you deliver if customers can’t find you.


The content on your website might be tired and dated, in which case, it’s not showing your business in the best light. As well as making sure information is up to date, it’s important to give your website content a refresh every now and then to ensure that it’s really working for your business and attracting customers. 

Write new blog posts or repurpose old ones, so you can inject fresh content and give your customer’s some value and insight into what makes your business tick and any other entertaining/informative info. Work on inserting links to your other posts in your content, make sure your internal links all function properly and use keywords that reflect how customers are searching via search engines.

Mobile Optimisation

It’s really important to have mobile-friendly versions of your website and content, as the vast number of searches are made via mobile by customers now. Your site needs to be optimized for a good user experience on mobile – is your text readable, images visible and the site easy to navigate on different devices? Testing the look of your content and website across devices is integral. Google has a useful tool you can use to check how mobile-friendly your website is.

Update Website

Things change quickly online, to say the least, so keeping your website design looking fresh and current is necessary when you want to keep up with all your competitors and make your business stand out from the rest. If customers head to a website that feels old, is difficult to navigate and has incorrect information, they’re going to get bored pretty quickly and head to a website that feels more up-to-date and modern.

If you’re struggling with keeping your website up-to-date and current then get in touch with our team at DOWO today, we can help freshen things up and create new content to keep things current.